Duval County Groundwater Conservation District

the life blood of everything

Next Regular Scheduled Meeting for the Duval County GCD

When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 6:00pm
This Meeting's Agenda and Details: Download Here (PDF) with a Supplemental Agenda available to Download Here (PDF)

October 2024 Newsletter: Download Here (PDF)

Duval County Groundwater Conservation District

Water is essential. Managing and monitoring how much is available and its usage is important so everyone can benefit. With no major surface water--such as lakes and rivers--Duval County relies solely upon well water and runoff ponds for livestock, homes, businesses, oil production, and development. The Duval County GCD helps to make sure our valuable resource is preserved and free of contamination.

Duval GCD Directors

President - Roberto (Bobby) Garcia, Precinct 3
Vice President - Pat Rogers, Jr., Precinct 1
Secretary - Orlando Vera, Jr., Preceinct 2
Treasury - Raymond Alaniz, Precinct 4
Board Member - Cristina Salainas Lichtenberger, At Large Position


The Duval County Groundwater Conservation District mission is to conserve and protect groundwater resources from waste and pollution, address the needs of the District's citizens, and maintain the health of our environment for the present and for future generations.

District Information

The district is a groundwater conservation district created under and essential to accomplish the purpose of Section 59, Article XVI of the Texas Constitution. It was created as a part of S.B. No 1847 passed by the Texas legislature in May of 2005. A confirmation election was held in the county on July 25, 2009 which confirmed the District's legal standing. The district is run by a five member board of directors. These directors are elected by voters of the district and serve four year terms. One director is elected at large from within the district and the other four directors are precincts. The district encompasses all of Duval County and is located within Groundwater Management Area 16 and Regional Water planning Group N.

You can download our 2018 District Rules here.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the district, as per Texas water code 36, Section 36.00.15, is to provide for the conservation, preservation, protection, recharging and prevention of waste of groundwater and of groundwater reservoirs or their subdivisions and to control subsidence caused by the withdrawal of water from those reservoirs. It has an obligation under Texas Water Code 36.107 to develop a groundwater management plan that will state how the district will meet that purpose. Under Texas Water Code 36C Section 36.101, the District has the authority to adopt and enforce rules that the district feels are needed to carry out that purpose.

Less than 1% of the fresh water on Earth is readily accessible for human use.

Forms & Info

Are you planning to dig a well? You need to know the facts before you dig.

All wells need to be registered with the District prior to or shortly after drilling. Wells that will be producing in excess of 25,000 gallons of water per day (capable of pumping greater than 17.36 gallons per minutes.) will need to be permitted prior to drilling. All wells drilled will need to have a drillers log filed with the District within 90 days after completion of the well.

The following forms can be completed and printed. Then you can either fax, email, mail, or drop them by our office. Please use the available contact information found below.

FYI and District Documents

Drought Mitigation and Contingecy Plans

Brush Control Management - Soil Conservation, Water Quality, and Water Yield

Useful Links

  • Rainwater Harvesting FAQs
    Frequently asked questions for rainwater harvesting provided by the Texas Water Development Board
  • GMA-16
    The Groundwater Management Area 16 is made up of 16 counties working jointly to protect the various major and minor aquifers that exist under our counties.
  • Texas Water Matters
    This website provides an in-depth resource on water issues in Texas.
  • The Railroad Commission of Texas
    The Railroad Commission of Texas was established in 1891 under a constitutional and legislative mandate to prevent discrimination in railroad charges and establish reasonable tariffs. It is the oldest regulatory agency in the state and one of the oldest of its kind in the nation.
  • Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
    The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) is the state agency that administers Texas' soil and water conservation law and coordinates conservation and nonpoint source pollution abatement programs throughout the State.
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the environmental agency for the state.
  • Texas Water Development Board
    The Texas Water Development Board's (TWDB) mission is To provide leadership, planning, financial assistance, information, and education for the conservation and responsible development of water for Texas.
  • Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts
    The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD), formerly the Texas Groundwater Conservation Districts Association, was formed on May 12, 1988. Its membership consists of underground water conservation districts of Texas with the powers and duties to manage groundwater as defined in Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code (voting members) and other organizations that work in the groundwater arena (associate members).

Contact Duval County GCD

If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance, you are welcome to contact Jorge (George) L. Gonzalez (General Manager) or Carolina Casas (Administrative Assistant) using the methods provided below.

By Mail
Duval County Groundwater Conservation District
P.O. Box 506
Benavides, Texas 78341

In Person
Duval County Groundwater Conservation District
225 East Railroad Avenue
Benavides, Texas 78349

By Phone/Fax
(361) 256-3589 - Phone
(361) 256-3589 - Fax
(361) 209-2981 - Jorge Gonzalez Cell

By Email
DuvalGCD.GM@Gmail.com - Jorge Gonzalez

Duval County GCD Williams Web Solutions